Humans of the Junior Class
Caroline Woods

“I’m in love with this city.” -Caroline Woods ’19
December 11, 2017
“It’s a different world.” Caroline Woods ‘19 moved back from upstate New York. She has family there and frequently will move back to New York. She is originally from New York.
Woods also has family in Brazil. Maine is the only place where she doesn’t have family. Presque Isle feels like family to her, because of the tight and close family community here. She was brought to tears of happiness when she found out that she was moving back.
She has moved everywhere, a lot of it is back and forth from New York, Brazil, and Maine. She likes being in New York but hated the school. “My old school was ghetto,” Woods said. It’s always a different school that she goes to, she doesn’t like any of the New York schools. Her favorite school is here in Presque Isle.
Woods is conflicted about where she loves to be. She was overwhelmed with excitement when she heard about moving back but wants to be in the city again. When talking about New York City she says, “The city is beautiful.”
While she was in New York she saw Phantom of the Opera. “It was phenomenal,” Woods said. She also saw the cast of Hamilton. The tickets at the cheapest were $180 so she never got to see the play.
Woods will finish her education her in Presque Isle, and is hopeful that she will move back to the city when she graduates. It is always hard for her to leave friends behind but Woods’ true friends stay with her with the constant moving.