Summer’s In, School’s Out
Highlights and Good Times
Kylee Plummer ‘21, makes origami in the PIHS library.
June 11, 2018
It has finally come . . . the end of the 2017-2018 school year.
Seniors have graduated, sophomores are becoming upperclassmen, juniors are finally getting their shot at being on top and having the last, best year of high school, and freshmen are no longer the bottom of the high school food chain.

Kalena Washington ‘18 during her 6th period study hall.
For the incoming freshmen, the Class of 2022, good advice is priceless. Especially when you’re leveling up in a world unknown. Kalena Washington ‘18 says, “Don’t focus on the drama, please make this a good four years of your high school career.” Washington also hopes to inspire the incoming class by saying, “Work on finding yourself and don’t let anyone completely change who you are.” She continues with, “Most definitely surround yourself with the people who build you up and help you grow, rather than the people who get into trouble and tear you down.”
Washington wants all new students to know that it’s okay to be who you are and you shouldn’t search for people who make you feel bad.
“Be as involved in many things reasonable without affecting academics, sports, or drama. Not social drama, but drama.”
Assistant Principal David Bartlett thinks kids at the high school should be involved with as many activities as they can because this connects students with the school community. He says, “In fact, I think these clubs help alleviate social drama.” Bartlett says, “Don’t be afraid to ask an adult or teacher for help finding something, believe it or not, we are here to help our students.”

Presque Isle High School has many extra curricular activities.
Kylee Plummer ‘21, may be finishing freshman year, but she does have some words of advice for the younger kids. “Don’t act like you know everything because the upperclassmen don’t like it at all when you do act like you know everything that goes on,” she says.
The upperclassmen have hand down one big piece of advice. “Don’t clump around the lockers, because every year the freshmen do clump around the lockers and it gets so annoying,” says Washington. If the freshmen decide not to follow the hallway “rules”, that’s when the sassy-ness and hostility starts. The best thing to keep in mind, is that the halls work just like the roads do: stay on the right side. These are in place to prevent some of the comments and anger if two people collide. However, again, it’s up to you whether or not you want to be constantly shoved and told, “Get out of the way!”
There are events that incoming classes can look forward to at PIHS, such as the Winter Ball and Winter Carnival. Winter Carnival consists of Wildcat Idol, Battle of the Bands, Quidditch, basketball, air band, dodgeball, etc. Lots of fun things do happen. Bartlett says, “Winter Carnival and Wildcat Madness are a big thing.”
There are some academic necessities going through high school and its classes. Plummer says, “Get a big binder and lots of pencils, and erasers and notebook paper and always have a hall pass.” She also wants to remind the new kids that classroom 200s are upstairs and 100s are downstairs.
Just remember this: don’t forget to be yourself, and not if, but when you need help, don’t be afraid to ask.