Where Do You Get Your Face Mask?
Students spill the shopping (or DIY) secrets to their back-to-school masks.
August 28, 2020

Students of PIHS shared their go-to mask choice for daily wear and school days. Choices ranged from homemade and store bought masks, to simple disposable masks. Each student shared why they believe their mask option suits them best.
Ava Holder ‘23: “ I got my mask from Old navy because it was 30 masks, for $60.” https://oldnavy.gap.com/browse/product.do?pid=654496#pdp-page-content
Shaianne Theriault ‘23: “My Mimi made it, but I ordered some customized ones online, too.”
Karlyn Gilmour ‘24: “From my neighbor because I needed one, and I don’t want to catch coronavirus.”
Dawson Kinney ‘23: “I got it at Play It Again Sports in Portland, and because it’s a hockey brand mask.”
Breygan Mahan ‘23: “I got it at a hockey shop. It’s a hockey brand that I like.”
Sabrina Sperrey ‘21: “I got my fabric masks at Old Navy, and my disposable ones at Lowe’s in Presque Isle.”
Abigail Williams ‘22: I got these homemade from a lady on Facebook. I got them because they were good quality.”
Gabi Caron ‘23: “I prefer my ones from Athleta. I got them because for soccer it’s easier to wear while playing, since it is made out of dry fit material.” https://athleta.gap.com/browse/product.do?pid=658554012&pcid=999&vid=1&&searchText=Face%20masks#pdp-page-content
Noah Sirois ‘23: “I got my mask from my sister because I forgot mine at home, but it’s from PIHS.”
Carly Guerrette ‘22: “It’s a paper mask because I can actually breath, and I got it from Sam’s Club.” https://www.samsclub.com/p/3-ply-face-mask-50-count/prod24732709?xid=plp_product_1_1
Abby Johnston ‘23: “My gram made mine, and I needed it for school.”