Apple vs. Android: What Our Students Prefer


Hailey Fitzmaurice, Staff Writer

Team Apple Responses:

“I like apple better because it just looks cleaner and sleeker and the camera on apple products is really really good.”

“Apple because of the camera quality.”

“Apple because of the features and how they have accommodated with todays generation.”Apple because the interface is a lot easier to learn and move through.”

Team Android Responses:

“Android because they are way ahead of Apple in tech and battery life.”

“I personally think Android is better because the battery life seems to last much longer and depending on the type of Android phone or electronic you get the camera quality could be just the same or maybe even a little bit better than Apple, I like Apple and all but if you want a device to last a long time I would say Android.”

“I like Android better because all of their phones are different unlike Apple who just changes the camera and jacks up the price and call that a new design.”