No Day Like a Snow Day
Students find solace during a relaxing snow day, the first closure in a long time unrelated to the Coronavirus pandemic.
An MSAD #1 alert that didn’t relate to the pandemic was a welcome reminder of more normal times.
February 4, 2021
Everyone loves a snow day, but maybe even more so in the midst of a pandemic. Due to the inclement weather the past few days, PIHS closed fully on Tuesday, February 2, and was delayed for two hours on Wednesday, February 3.
Having a snow day was positively received by students and faculty alike. Even Remote students enjoyed having the day off. “Even though I’m remote [learning], I still had a relaxing day that allowed me to do things that I wouldn’t have time for on a regular school day,” said Allison Fullen ‘21.
Due to the unpredictability of COVID-19, students find solace in the smallest victories. “It felt like a huge break, and not having it be COVID-related was a relief,” said Amanda Winslow ‘21.
While snow days have traditionally been celebrated by the seniors specifically, this year is different. Previously, the seniors were the only students district-wide who didn’t have to make them up at the end of the school year. This year, however, the Maine DOE has forgiven all snow days. “I felt great knowing that I didn’t have to make the day up at the end of the year,” said Breanna Wasson ‘22.
“As a senior, I don’t really mind that the whole school doesn’t have to make up snow days. We’ve all been through enough,” Winslow stated.
Even though the weather outside is frightful, and being quarantined isn’t delightful, there’s still joy to be found in the simple things like staying warm on a snowy day.