Recognition of Mr. Kirby, Aroostook County Teacher of the Year
“Mr. Kirby is a legend,” said Ellie Clark ‘23.
May 19, 2021
These past couple years of school have arguably been the hardest to be a teacher. Schedules, expectations and classroom connections were constantly changing. However through all of the chaos, Andrew Kirby overlooked the rocky road and chose to thrive. Mr. Kirby, our own Presque Isle High School science teacher, was named the Aroostook County Teacher of the Year.
While teaching at Presque Isle, Mr. Kirby has made an impact on not only the students, but on our community. He walks the halls, and instructs his classes from a place of humility and kindness which truly impacts the school ambiance.
“Mr. Kirby always says ‘Hi!’ to me in the hallway, no matter what. He is one of the nicest teachers I have ever had,” said Delaney Alward ‘21. She continues, “I think he has impacted the vibe around students work ethic and ability to enjoy class in a positive way.”
Many students tend to find his personality to be comforting and encouraging. He also never fails to show his big heart for teaching.
“I really appreciate his personality, he’s always open to a good laugh,” said Alison Sweetser ‘22. “I am glad he got the award, he deserves it!”
My own connection to Mr. Kirby spans continents and more than science curriculum. We went on a trip with a team of people through a local church to Africa. Even after weeks of volunteering and helping the communities of Swaziland, he continued to make an impact while living in Northern Maine. He started an indoor soccer academy called Elevation Soccer from which all of the profit is directly for a soccer team in Swaziland. I was able to volunteer as a coach and watch Mr. Kirby mesh his passions of soccer, teaching and changing the world in a unique way. Jocelyn Gagnon ‘23 said, “As a volunteer coach at the Elevation Soccer Academy, I got to see the dedication and effort he put in to be a part of something bigger than himself. He really is self-less.”
As a student of Mr. Kirby’s I have noticed he never gives up on his students and he never settles with a teaching style. He is always trying new things and learning new skills to improve the effectiveness of his classes.
As Mr. Kirby enters the next chapter of his life as a teacher at Caribou High School, we can all agree that he will be missed.
As Morgan Seward ‘23 said, “I will miss how much he cares about the students and their education. He always makes class fun, and I will miss the light he brings into the school.”