Thanksgiving Edition Humans of PIHS: Chase Guerrette ’22

Do you ever wish you could bring back the buckle hats or shoes the pilgrims used to wear? “Probably hats, because I like hats.” Chase Guerrette ’22

Hannah Ousby

Chase Guerrette ‘22 with an opinion on stuffing that you might not expect.

Hannah Ousby, Staff Writer

Do you Decorate for Thanksgiving or not?


Football or Macy’s Day Parade?


Stay home or go see family?

Stay home

Help cook dinner or relax?

Definitely relax 

Vegetarian Thanksgiving or not?


Homemade food or ordered food?

Homemade food

Homemade stuffing or box stuffing?

Box stuffing

Green bean casserole or salad?

Green bean casserole 

Mashed potatoes or candied yams?

Mashed potatoes

Cranberry sauce or fruit salad?

Cranberry sauce

Apple pie or apple crisp?

Apple crisp

Pumpkin pie or pecan pie?

Pumpkin pie 

Turkey or ham?


Turkey thigh or turkey breast?

Turkey breast

Light or dark turkey meat?

Light meat

What is your favorite Thanksgiving food?

Definitely stuffing

What is something your family has for Thanksgiving that isn’t a common Thanksgiving dish?

I don’t know, honestly, it’s normally just typical stuff.

What is your favorite Thanksgiving memory?

Just going over to my grandmother’s house 

What are you grateful for?

My family and my friends and all the stuff I get to do outdoors