Taylor Swift announces new album for the first time since Evermore

Midnight Album Cover
September 7, 2022
After a long wait, Swifties are ‘shook’ by the suddenly- announced new Taylor Swift album. Sunday night, Aug. 28, Swift took the stage to accept her award for best longform music video for her 10 minute re-recorded version of her song “All Too Well.” The audience was shocked when she ended her speech with the announcement of her new album “Midnights” (out 10/21/22). Swift describes the album on her Instagram by saying it is, “The stories of 13 sleepless nights scattered throughout her life.”
Excited Swifties worldwide instantly took to Twitter with plenty to say:
@dontblamecarmen: “Suddenly all my problems are solved, the sun is shining, my skin is clear, and my depression is cured. Taylor Swift at the VMAs today is actually the biggest slay of all slays.”
Not only were the Swifties completely in shock, but so were the MTV producers. In the New York Post, one stated, “She also chose our stage to announce her new record, which gave us this massive lift coming out of the show. That wasn’t planned. We were blessed to have that.”
“It was announced so late at night that I was sort of just screaming internally,” said Max Tetreault ’23.
I think it’s safe to say that Taylor Swift single-handedly saved the 2022 VMAs, and maybe the world of pop music. We can only hope there is a fabulous turnout on October 21, at midnight sharp.