The third issue of the Anchor Art Showcase is here! We’re happy to have received many submissions from the freshman class and see works from obscure genres and distinct styles. Let’s appreciate a diverse range of arts from our finalists and Mrs. Whitten-Smith’s comments.

“That kitten is so sweet, you just want to snuggle him. The line work is energetic and expressive – crisp, clean lines have their place but can make a work look static and stiff. This looser use of line makes your work more interesting to look, even for dog-people. The pops of color are fun, as well. You were smart to keep them small as they could have pulled focus from your subject.”

“My goodness – your support (the surface you create your artwork on, in the case your nails) is so small! Zooming in shows an incredible level of detail. . .the negative space lines between limbs, the teeny tiny suction cups! Wow! In the future, when displaying your work, do take care of the finishing details (the messiness left around the cuticles). Little things like this could negatively detract from what would otherwise be superior artistry.”

“Wow! There is a lot going on here! Colors, marks, linework, layers, attitudes of characters. It is a visual feast for the eyes. It’s compelling, and second, third, fourth looks reveal more and more rich details. The pops of red sprinkled throughout the work keep the eye moving and exploring your piece.”

“Perspective if tough, and you’ve created a convincingly realistic vehicle with so many small details. I can think of several first responders who would really appreciate your having taken the time to so carefully recreate this vehicle as an artwork. Your drawing, in this case, is more than a pleasant way to pass the time creatively – it’s a thank you.”

“Photographs of our loved ones, with or without fur, is a great entry into portraiture. Playing with filters can add to the visual story we create when developing our work – the filter you’ve added makes one think that this is a much older photograph. Did you know that we have been taking photos of our cats since the 1840s? Look up the Brighton Cats. You won’t be disappointed.”
Congratulations to all the selected artists and the amazing feedback from Mrs.Whitten-Smith. Please feel free to stop by room 129 to gather your prizes during period 4 or 1st or 2nd lunch. We cannot wait to see more submissions for out next issue of Anchor Art Showcase. Stay tuned.