Your favorite place to see the inspiring works of artistic talents in Presque Isle High School is here again! For our fourth issue of the Anchor Art Showcase, we have expanded the submission range across the sea to the artists in PIHS Chinese campus, let’s see some great art together and hear what Mrs. Whitten-Smith has to say about them!

Mrs. Whitten-Smith: “Jamie, the degradation of the garments to visually represent the breakdown of the characters’ environment as well as their minds is thoughtfully done. You took these pieces juuuuust to the point before we couldn’t recognize the original garments which takes restraint and a thorough understanding of the story. They are visually interesting to look at with such a wide variety of textures – lace, rope, plastic bags (so effective as seaweed!), fabrics, jewelry. wow. These costumes represent professional level work.”

“Rainbow Dash, who is sitting at a desk in a classroom. The pony is wearing an school uniform. On the desk, there are several books, a clock, and a cup, which means she is getting ready for Gao Kao (which is equal to the SAT). The window behind the desk reveals a view of a tree and a rainbow in the sky. It means she can get a great score.”
Mrs. Whitten-Smith: “You clearly understand your drawing/painting app. You’ve created a convincing visual story with wonderful details (the papers sticking out of the books <3) and textures (the sky looks real) – this is fan art created with a lot of love. This is excellent work! Because we don’t grow as artists without constructive criticism, I’d like to offer a suggestion moving forward: watch your light source. The lights on the furniture are coming from different directions, under the seat, as well falling from the left and right on the table legs. Multiple light sources do happen given the design of a room (ceiling lights, table lamps, moveable pendants, track lighting) – just be aware that those last details that create the mood are as important as the variety of delightful details you have created to fully tell the story of Rainbow’s test preparation.”

“This is a water color piece I did earlier this year—the short poem is from one of my favorite poets, Rupi Kaur.”
Mrs. Whitten-Smith: “Your choice of watercolor brings a soft vibrancy to the flowers. Petals are delicate and can often appear translucent given their environment, that impermanence emphasizes the idea of transformation in the poem. Your use of multiple colors (dark, mid-tone, and light variations) within each blossom lends realism, too. Lovely work.”

“A shot of a die cast that I have.” (Gavin Plant)
Mrs. Whitten-Smith: “”A shot of a die cast” is really more than just a shot of a die cast! You thought about the environment, the scale and proportion of the natural materials you placed the car within – so much more complex than simply capturing a photograph of a vehicle in the world. You should really keep pushing yourself and build up a portfolio of work – this is such a compelling idea, so accessible. Do be careful about intellectual property and fair use – your art needs to be transformative to avoid potential issues.”

“Character design and development of a fan made video game character to accompany the game ‘Team Fortress 2.'”
Mrs. Whitten-Smitih: “Okay, Vivi Bot is cool! She’s quirky and interesting, and she makes me want to see the other characters she interacts with in her world/game. Her garment design makes me want to know why she’s wearing kitty ears with what looks like a moth-wing train/cape. Is this her fancy dress or every day wear? What does she do? Looking at this I’ve become invested and want to know more. Art does this.”

“Captured in the Old Town of Beihai, Guangxi, this photograph presents a poignant vignette of urban life in modern China. The composition centers on a solitary figure, absorbed in his mobile device, juxtaposed against the vibrant tableau of Old Street.”
Mrs. Whitten-Smith: “What a commentary on our society today. We have never been more interconnected to each other, our friends, and family but we are alone, too, typing into the void or doom-scrolling. We each bring our experiences to the art that we view, and this makes me (a GenXer) think that our phones are more of a hindrance to honest communication than a help. This is a powerful and moving photograph.”